and with purpose.
That's the right time to redefine our travel intentions. How do we want to know the world? What impact do we want to leave in the places we visit?
Sustainable Tourism is based on the appropriate use of natural resources, respect for social and cultural authenticity of local communities and ensure that economic activities are viable in the long term while maintaining a high level of tourists' satisfaction.
I GoTravel's mission is to be an active voice of Sustainable Tourism.
- We are very careful choosing materials for customers' gifts. We choose 100% cotton fabric, jute, cork and recycled paper.
- We collaborate with Portuguese sustainable brands to raise awareness among our customers.
- We support sustainable projects in the local and international community.
- We encourage “positive purchasing”, which involves promoting business with sustainable products, ethical production and fair trade. In the itineraries we build for clients, there are at least 50% of sustainable proposals.
We are committed to constantly improving our internal and external actions, focusing on our social responsibility, which involves a concern with the well-being of the Planet (environmental sustainability) and of People (social sustainability).
Sustainable travel tips:
- Reduce your ecological footprint. Take your reusable water bottle, bamboo cutlery for meals 'on the go' and decline plastic bags.
- Prefer direct flights
- Buy local. Support local artisans, encourage small businesses and choose locally sourced products. You'll support the community and have a more authentic experience.
- Choose smaller hotels. It provides a more intimate experience and smaller accommodations are usually more efficient using renewable energy sources and supplying local food.
- Donate your time. Consider offer some of your vacation time being a volunteer, get to know the needs of the community or try to contribute to cultural exchange talking to a local, learning a few words in the country's idiom...
- Invest with a Purpose. When buying a trip, you invest your money in multiple services, so be selective: choose an eco-hotel; prefer local guides services; go on wildlife-friendly tours (wildlife sanctuaries), and when diving, be careful in order to keep the corals healthy.